Posht Qale is a village in Abdanan city, Ilam province. The distance between Abdanan and Ilam is 160 km and it will take 3 hours to travel this distance. Abdanan city is located between two mountains, Kabir Koh and Dinar Koh, in the south of Ilam province. If you move to the south of Abdanan city, 5 kilometers from it in the northwest, you will find the village Posht Qale. The historical castle of this village is visible from a distance on top of a hill.
To visit the castle, a short walk up the hill is necessary. This route can be completed in about 15 minutes.
The materials used in the construction of this building include stone and plaster. The remaining works show the existence of guard towers, ramparts, royal palaces, residential rooms, stairs, etc.
An oval-shaped rampart with a height of three meters surrounds the castle area, and the outer and main walls of the castle are almost intact. Dating back to the Sassanid era and post-Islamic historical periods, it was registered as one of Iran’s national monuments, and it is currently considered among the sights of Abdanan.
The Posht-Qale castle belongs to the Sassanid era, which was modified and renovated in the next periods.
Ilam has a warm climate. Undoubtedly, the best season to visit this region is late winter and early spring.