Lake & Lagon

Lake, Lagoon

September 8, 2020
Hur-al-Azim Wetland, Khozestan

Hur al-Azim Wetland

Mauris efficitur sit amet risus et amet. Donec purus leo, malesuada maximus amet.
October 3, 2020
Shahr-e chai Lake Dam

Shahre-chai Lake

Shahre-chai Dam is one of these lakes which has become one of the important tourist destinations of the province due to its beauty and proximity to big cities such as Urmia.
July 15, 2023
goldian lake, lagoon, Roodbar, Gilan

Galdian Lake, Goldian

Galdian lake is located in Rudbar city in Gilan province. The distance of this lake is 250 km from Tehran and 85 km from Rasht.
June 17, 2021
neor lake, noor, neur, ardabil

Neor Lake, Noor, Neur

Lake Neor is located near the Ardabil-Khalkhal road on the border of Gilan and Ardabil provinces.
August 24, 2021
gahar lake, dorud, lorestan

Gahar Lake

Gahar Lake is one of the best sights of Lorestan and one of the largest freshwater lakes in Iran.
November 3, 2020
Gandoman Wetland, Bird Watching

Gandoman Wetland, Ganduman Lagoon

The water of this wetland is the result of rains and springs from melting snow from the heights.
October 3, 2020
Kani Barazan Wetland, Lake, Lagoon

Kani Barazan Wetland

Kani Barazan wetland is one of the important lakes of West Azerbaijan province, which is located 115 km southeast of Urmia.
September 21, 2020
Valasht Lake, Marzan Abad, Chalos

Valasht Lake

Valasht Lake is one of the freshwater lakes in Iran, which is the result of rain and springs at the bottom of the lake.