One of the beautiful forests of Gilan province is called Dorfak, which is located near the Qazvin-Rasht highway near a city called Totkabon. This forest is considered by many nature lovers due to its considerable area and dense cover. Darfak forest has several routes that can be crossed by car or on foot. Each of these routes has its own charms.
One of the features of this forest is that a significant part of it is located at a high altitude above sea level, and this factor has made it possible to see stunning views of the cloudy sea in many cases.
In this area, in addition to the vast forests, there are many other sights. Darfak Peak is one of the most important destinations for climbers that can be reached through these forests. Beautiful villages and places of pilgrimage; They are other sights of this region. There are some beautiful caves in Darfak forests and “Darband Rashi Cave” is one of these important caves. Existence of abundant rivers and waterfalls is another attraction of this region of Gilan province.
Mehdi Gholami.