Martian mountains are the result of natural erosion on the sedimentary bed of this region. The type of soil and the animal remains in them are a good indication of the fact that once upon a time, this whole region was the sea.
20 km east of Chabahar, there is a wetland that is famous for its pink color. Lipar Wetland, also known as Pink Wetland, is an artificial wetland built to collect surface water.
The port of Govatr is near the borders of Pakistan and its inhabitants are fishermen. But in addition to fishing, due to the boom in tourism, they are also moving travelers through the Hara (mangrove) forests.
There are such caravanserais in Iran and in many provinces of central Iran, the most important of which is the Marnjab caravanserai, which is located in Isfahan province and on the edge of the beautiful Marnjab desert.
Gandom Beryan is actually a vast plain covered with volcanic black rocks that absorbs sunlight and its temperature becomes very hot and unbearable in summer and even other seasons.
Klots are found in different parts of Iran. But the largest of them is located in Kerman province and around the city of Shahdad, and for this reason they are known as Shahdad Klots.
Rageh Valley, like many other valleys in Iran, has been created due to water erosion. There is a seasonal river in the depths of this valley, which over time has washed away the soil and rocks and its emergence.
Meymand village in Kerman province is one of the villages that has been created with the least materials and only by creating holes and rooms in the heart of stone.
The architecture of Oramanat is completely adapted to the mountains, and the houses in the villages of the region are built in a stepped manner due to the steep slope of the rocky slopes.
Shahre-chai Dam is one of these lakes which has become one of the important tourist destinations of the province due to its beauty and proximity to big cities such as Urmia.